Welcome 👋
Welcome 👋
I'm Vasiliki Elisabet Miheludaki.
I'm Vasiliki Elisabet Miheludaki.
I believe that small actions can make a difference. This page aims to act as a source of inspiration and action for those who are curious about how we can as individuals, workplaces and society at large live and work more sustainably and meaningfully ❤️
I believe that small actions can make a difference. This page aims to act as a source of inspiration and action for those who are curious about how we can as individuals, workplaces and society at large live and work more sustainably and meaningfully ❤️
A small peak into my recent research work..
A small peak into my recent research work..
Köyhyys ja perustulo 3. Kaksi myyttiä perustulosta ja sen taloudelliset ja sosiaaliset vaikutukset
More coming soon...
More coming soon...